In this series of, A Rare Diamond, titled California Love, you will explore the highs and lows of Celeste's life as she journeys to the unknown of San Diego California, where her Mom was originally from. Visiting with aunts, cousins, and an uncle she never knew, in hopes of filling the void of losing her Mom, while learning of her roots. Not running from her past, but in self discovery of who she is and finding completeness.
Celeste falls in love with the breathtaking ocean views as she soaks up the California sun, enjoying a world she never knew existed. Torn between leaving her new normal and returning home, Celeste also finds love and is challenged with the decision to leave, until the unexpected happens and forces her to return home. Leaving her possible love interest no choice, but to let her go…
You will find yourself laughing, shedding a few tears, and relating to each character as you dig your feet deep into the sands of California Love….
A Rare Diamond Volume II California Love
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